The Best Way To Start A Mortgage
Starting a mortgage is a difficult, confusing problem that no one prepares you for. So get a huge amount of amazing advice to set you up for life right here, right now
Starting a mortgage is a difficult, confusing problem that no one prepares you for. So get a huge amount of amazing advice to set you up for life right here, right now
Half of Australians aren’t confident in their home loan deal, yet two thirds haven’t switched and one in seven would never leave their bank – regardless of how big the discount. That’s just some of the findings that were uncovered in uno Home Loans’ report which asked 1,500 Australian mortgage holders about their satisfaction with … Read more
Home buyers know how expensive property prices are today, but what about 30 years ago? To investigate this and more I’ve crunched the numbers to see what we can find.
Every year back when we had a mortgage I reviewed it. This is because when it comes to your mortgage, everything is amplified. So it pays to keep it in check!
Before we paid off our mortgage and before we even bought our house we actually bought an entirely different house. We signed the contract, put down the deposit and everything… subject to building inspection. That was an extremely good clause to have because when the inspection results came back we were quite shocked! The house … Read more
This post is part of the fantastic “Ultimate Guide” series which aims to help any person, with any income and any number of children to easily see what type of time frames they should be aiming for regarding paying off their mortgage early. The Ultimate Guide To Paying Off Your $100K Mortgage The Ultimate Guide To Paying … Read more
This post is part of the fantastic “Ultimate Guide” series which aims to help any person, with any income and any number of children to easily see what type of time frames they should be aiming for regarding paying off their mortgage early. The Ultimate Guide To Paying Off Your $100K Mortgage The Ultimate Guide To Paying … Read more
This post is part of the fantastic “Ultimate Guide” series which aims to help any person, with any income and any number of children to easily see what type of time frames they should be aiming for regarding paying off their mortgage early. The Ultimate Guide To Paying Off Your $100K Mortgage The Ultimate Guide To Paying … Read more
This post is part of the fantastic “Ultimate Guide” series which aims to help any person, with any income and any number of children to easily see what type of time frames they should be aiming for regarding paying off their mortgage early. The Ultimate Guide To Paying Off Your $100K Mortgage The Ultimate Guide To Paying … Read more
On the 7th of June something quite historic happened, the RBA cut the Australian Cash Rate to 1.75%, its lowest point in history. As a result, it’s time to get your god damn ass in gear! This cut was simply the latest in a series of cuts the RBA has done over the past few years as … Read more